Duality, Relativity and Non-Existence: Be careful

Felix Bogdanski, since 21.4.2019

Hello Humanity.

In Scientific Circles, I heard People say: "Everything is relative." This Statement is false, it contradicts itself, because it expresses the very Absolute.

In Spiritual Circles, I heard People say: "Everything is dualistic, it's the Law of Polarity." This Law is false, because when you apply the Law to itself, it vanishes. Any Universal Law should be applicable to itself, without contradicting.

In Intellectual Circles, I heard people say: "Soul does not exist. Time does not exist. I don't exist." These Statements, too, are false. When you negate X existentially, you need the Existence of X first to negate it.

In Mathematics, I heard people say: "In our Science we prove that 1 ≠ 0." And in their Proofs, they use the Postulate to prove itself. True Mathematics allows for 1 = 0.

You are the Infinite Creator Source, a loving Particle of our common Universe.

Thank you.