def digitSet2Vec(path: String): Seq[DenseVector[Double]] = {
val selector: Int => Boolean = _ < 255 // Our selector, 0 for a white (255) pixel, 1 for everything else
(0 to 9) map (i => extractBinary(getResourceFile(path + s"$i.png"), selector)) // Image flattened as vector
With layout we should have enough neural connectivity to learn. The input dimension of 200 is determined by resolution, whereas the size of the hidden layers is determined by gut feeling. The output layer has 10 neurons, as we map a digit to one of the possible targets (0-9). Given the predicted scores in range of a digit, our loss function should measure the distance to the true target score, being convex for gradient descent. A target vector is filled with zeros, except for the respective digit to be classified. This is called hot vector encoding, e. g. for digit _2_,
and is to formulate the loss under a cross-entropy regime, i. e. which dimension of represents the true class to maximize the predicted score at by gradient , and to minimize it at for the remaining false classes by gradients . If you are curious how these gradients are derived, I suggest to check out the logarithmic law with respect to , it is a straightforward thing. :-) During training, the predictions in range are generated by , using exponentials to ensure convexity and to softly boost higher raw probabilities normalized such that .
val sets = ('a' to 'h') map (c => getDigitSet(s"img/digits/$c/"))
val xs = sets.dropRight(1).flatMap { s => (0 to 9).map { digit => s(digit) } }
val ys = sets.dropRight(1).flatMap { m => (0 to 9).map { digit => ->(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0).updated(digit, 1.0) } }
val config = (0 to 2).map(_ -> (0.01, 0.01)) :+ 3 -> (0.1, 0.1)
implicit val breeder = neuroflow.core.WeightBreeder[Float].normal(config.toMap)
val f = ReLU
val net = Network(
layout =
Vector (200) ::
Dense (400, f) ::
Dense (200, f) ::
Dense ( 50, f) ::
Dense ( 10, f) :: SoftmaxLogEntropy(),
settings = Settings(
learningRate = { case (_, _) => 1E-5 },
updateRule = Momentum(0.8f),
precision = 1E-3,
iterations = 15000
net.train(xs, ys)
Further, we use the [ReLU]( activator and _Momentum_ update. _Momentum_ update is a modification of _vanilla_ gradient descent. Instead of stepping, it is jumping downhill into the loss' minimum, iteratively re-gaining momentum into all directions by varying gradients , which is decelerated by factor . Compared to the more gingerly stepping _vanilla_ version of gradient descent, the minimum often can be reached a little quicker.
The first layers consume most of the weights, so we need to initialize their weights smaller by passing _config_ to the weight provider. The weights are drawn from normal distribution, and if you look carefully, you notice that biased weights are produced by normal parameters . This is because the ReLU gets its non-linearity from negative inputs, which can be kinky, because the net will be unable to learn anything if too many weights are negative from the beginning. As soon as a cell turns negative, the ReLU derivative is zero, gradient descent constantly subtracts zero, the cell is dead. Think of a heavy firing brain which needs dead cells to function properly, but not too many of them, so we bias the weights a little to be greater than zero. Alternatively, we could use biased ReLU activators.
_ __ ________
/ | / /__ __ ___________ / ____/ /___ _ __
/ |/ / _ \/ / / / ___/ __ \/ /_ / / __ \ | /| / /
/ /| / __/ /_/ / / / /_/ / __/ / / /_/ / |/ |/ /
/_/ |_/\___/\__,_/_/ \____/_/ /_/\____/|__/|__/
Version : 1.3.4
Network : neuroflow.nets.cpu.DenseNetwork
Loss : neuroflow.core.Softmax
Update : neuroflow.core.Momentum
Layout : 200 Vector
400 Dense (R)
200 Dense (R)
50 Dense (R)
10 Dense (R)
Weights : 170.500 (≈ 0,650406 MB)
Precision : Single
[run-main-0] INFO neuroflow.nets.cpu.DenseNetworkSingle - [14.12.2017 17:03:26:824] Training with 70 samples, batch size = 70, batches = 1 ...
Dez 14, 2017 5:03:26 PM com.github.fommil.jni.JniLoader liberalLoad
INFORMATION: successfully loaded /var/folders/t_/plj660gn6ps0546vj6xtx92m0000gn/T/jniloader31415netlib-native_system-osx-x86_64.jnilib
[run-main-0] INFO neuroflow.nets.cpu.DenseNetworkSingle - [14.12.2017 17:03:27:090] Iteration 1 - Loss 0,842867 - Loss Vector 1.3594189 1.0815932 0.06627092 1.2282351 0.40324837 ... (10 total)
[run-main-0] INFO neuroflow.nets.cpu.DenseNetworkSingle - [14.12.2017 17:03:27:152] Iteration 2 - Loss 0,760487 - Loss Vector 1.2405235 1.0218079 0.080294095 1.1119698 0.30945536 ... (10 total)
[run-main-0] INFO neuroflow.nets.cpu.DenseNetworkSingle - [14.12.2017 17:03:27:168] Iteration 3 - Loss 0,631473 - Loss Vector 1.0470318 0.9293458 0.10742891 0.92295074 0.16466755 ... (10 total)
[run-main-0] INFO neuroflow.nets.cpu.DenseNetworkSingle - [14.12.2017 17:03:27:178] Iteration 4 - Loss 0,528371 - Loss Vector 0.8682083 0.8433325 0.17737864 0.7455 0.062339883 ... (10 total)
[run-main-0] INFO neuroflow.nets.cpu.DenseNetworkSingle - [14.12.2017 17:03:27:188] Iteration 5 - Loss 0,439425 - Loss Vector 0.6963819 0.7676125 0.23556742 0.5764897 0.062838934 ... (10 total)
Training is done after 15000 iterations or if loss is less than 1E-3, to avoid overfitting.
('a' to 'h') zip setsResult foreach {
case (char, res) =>
println(s"set $char:")
(0 to 9) foreach { digit => println(s"$digit classified as " + res(digit).indexOf(res(digit).max)) }
The final classification of one input digit is the output with the highest predicted softmax score. For instance, if we feed our net with digit _3_ of typeset _A_, hopefully, the score for digit _3_ within the resulting vector is the highest. After training and of course a fresh cup of sencha, let's evaluate all sets _A - H:_
Set A 0 classified as 0 1 classified as 1 2 classified as 2 3 classified as 3 4 classified as 4 5 classified as 5 6 classified as 6 7 classified as 7 8 classified as 8 9 classified as 9 |
Set B 0 classified as 0 1 classified as 1 2 classified as 2 3 classified as 3 4 classified as 4 5 classified as 5 6 classified as 6 7 classified as 7 8 classified as 8 9 classified as 9 |
Set C 0 classified as 0 1 classified as 1 2 classified as 2 3 classified as 3 4 classified as 4 5 classified as 5 6 classified as 6 7 classified as 7 8 classified as 8 9 classified as 9 |
Set D 0 classified as 0 1 classified as 1 2 classified as 2 3 classified as 3 4 classified as 4 5 classified as 5 6 classified as 6 7 classified as 7 8 classified as 8 9 classified as 9 |
Set E 0 classified as 0 1 classified as 1 2 classified as 2 3 classified as 3 4 classified as 4 5 classified as 5 6 classified as 6 7 classified as 7 8 classified as 8 9 classified as 9 |
Set F 0 classified as 0 1 classified as 1 2 classified as 2 3 classified as 3 4 classified as 4 5 classified as 5 6 classified as 6 7 classified as 7 8 classified as 8 9 classified as 9 |
Set G 0 classified as 0 1 classified as 1 2 classified as 2 3 classified as 3 4 classified as 4 5 classified as 5 6 classified as 6 7 classified as 7 8 classified as 8 9 classified as 9 |
Set H 0 classified as 0 1 classified as 1 2 classified as 2 3 classified as 3 4 classified as 4 5 classified as 5 6 classified as 6 7 classified as 7 8 classified as 8 9 classified as 9 |